1 min readMar 21, 2024


This significant legal victory at the Nigerian Court of Appeal concerning Akinyemi Adegoke Oyewole versus Globe Motors Holding (Nig) LTD highlights a pivotal moment in employment law. Led by partner Mrs. Victoria Alonge, with support from Daniel Adegbamigbe, this case has set a precedent regarding employees' rights to wages during suspension periods.

The Court ruled that a suspension does not equate to the termination of an employment contract, establishing that employees are entitled to their wages throughout any suspension duration, unless their contract explicitly states otherwise. This ruling doesn't just represent a win for the client but marks a considerable advancement in employment law within Nigeria, emphasizing the rights of employees and reinforcing legal standards for employer conduct.

For more in-depth information, refer to the case citation: GLOBE MOTORS HOLDINGS (NIG) LTD v. OYEWOLE (2022) JELR 109330 (CA), CA/L/495/2014, (2022) LPELR - 56856 (CA). This landmark ruling underlines the legal strides being made in clarifying and enforcing the rights of both employees and employers. Stay tuned for more insights into how we're shaping the legal landscape.

#LegalVictory #EmploymentLaw #NigerianCourtOfAppeal #EmployeeRights #LegalInsights




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